Friday, May 31, 2013

God Is Still Good

Our Sandy died today due to complications with advanced diabetes.  She woke up lethargic and my heart sank to the bottom of I don't know what.  I have been reading in Mark chapter 5 in the Bible this week about the time when Jairus' daughter was dying and he was desperate for Jesus to heal her.  I thought about this story as I drove to the vet's office.  Jesus told the man, "Do not be afraid, just believe."  I believed and prayed with every mile my tires covered.

This is the second dog we have lost within six months.  The first, Lucy, passed in November.  This is when we sit and ask the hard questions to ourselves..."Why doesn't God just heal her, I'm PRAYING".

The answer is we aren't sure why, but, we are convinced He is good and somehow this is good and the way things need to be and how they're supposed to be.

Since arriving home, we have cried and cried.  Even Jesse, is thinking things over.  

I will sorely miss how she kicked every decorative pillow off my couch before napping on the center cushion every day.  Many times, in my head, I wonder how will I live without her?  B-Lowe and I keep saying to one another, "Now what?"  

"Though the mountains be shaken, and the hills removed, yet my unfailing love for you 
will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,' says the Lord, who has compassion on you" (Isaiah 54:10).

 Bye, bye, my brown eyed girl.  Run through heavens fields with your mamma. 

All to thee, my blessed Savior, I surrender all. 

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Just Call Me Mary Poppins

Today, my mom and I watched my sister's little tykes.  This enabled my sister to do any of the following:

Clean her house.

Shave her legs.

Feed the cat.

The time was all hers.  I packed my Mary Poppins bag and away I went.

Our first activity, was toilet paper bowling.  I had fun drawing all the funny faces on the rolls.  

My nephew loved it.

He learned to throw the ball hard or soft.

At first, he was gentle and knocked a few rolls down.

Then, he really went for it.


My baby-lamb nephew liked walking between the towers.  He just recently mastered being a two-footed creature.  

His older brother told him to get out of the way....important business was taking place.

No time for a baby.

Next up--pipe cleaners in the colanders!

The kids loved it.  I was amazed how long this lasted.  The bag of pipe cleaners was $2.39 and I already had 2 colanders in my kitchen for each child.  

Not only was this cheap and easy-peasy...

 This is an official fine motor skills activity.

I'm all about child development.

I'm also all about color.

I'm likewise all about babies.

I love how the boys thought to place the finished product on their heads.  Of course!

Then, we played the alphabet matching game.

I wrote the alphabet on a paper towel roll, and on colorful stickers.

The cute 4-year-old matched the letters.  He hung in there through the entire alphabet.  

Ready for pom-poms?

Who doesn't love soft, fuzzy pom-pom's?

Another fine motor skills activity....each child had to place the pom-pom's into their water bottles.

This was fun to watch.


He is very smart.

We showed him one time what to do and he had it down.

His big brother was determined to beat him.

He totally won.

Anyone seen the shop vac?

I love his baby body.  Definitely a nursing baby body.

"Yayyyy!!!!!!"  He did it.

This one informed me, he did it too and faster and better.

Raise your hand if you know how I should get the balls out of there.

Cheering for his brother.

I'll be back later with more pictures of our play day.

I hope these babies are sleeping soundly right now.  Good night, my nephews!  

Aunt Mary Poppins

Geese Convo

"Then I said, nu-uh"

"Then she said, mmm-hmm!"

"So I said, WHATEVER!"

"And he said, buzz off"

"Then I said, 'oh yea?"

"And she said, YA!"

"So, I said, 'yo mamma!"

"But he said 'yo gander!"

"Then she said, 'at least I KNEW my mamma"

"So she said, 'yo mamma was ugly"

"And she said 'wha?"

"And he said, 'ya, wha?"

"But I said 'you heard me!"