Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Gimme A Break

This was my kitchen yesterday.

This was my living room yesterday.

With the death of a dog on Friday, working on Saturday, and a baby shower on Sunday, I wasn't home to do anything.

But B-Lowe was.  Someone, beat me in the face with a shoe!!!!

This is my school/bible study/blogging space I'm responsible for.  Another disaster.

B-Lowe cooked a turkey dinner, re-loaded bullets, ate, drank and made merry.  I bought Coke on my way home and there is my bath robe over the chair on the end.  I have no memory of how it got there.  Too much stuff, too much happening.

Sunday night, all we had the emotional capacity to do was watch Sons of Guns and Modern Family.  It was dark, so I didn't have to look at the chaos around us. 

But this is what faced me Monday morning.  This mess from hell has pressed me to join the 30 Days without accessories challenge with The Nester.

The entire month of June, my house will be accessory free.  My stuff needs a break, and so do I!  I'm off to de-clutter and enjoy empty spaces.  Feel free to join in.  

1 comment:

  1. I admit... I have stuff-itis. I like my stuff. I saw the challenge... I don't have enough time to pack all my stuff away.

    I'm too busy cleaning and dusting it.

    And gardening...

    And taking care of the critters.

    Good luck! Let me know how your quest goes! I'll just live through you ;)


I love comments! I put them under my pillow.