Monday, July 18, 2011

Hen House Study Week 5 Re-Cap

 Oh where, oh where has my little dog gone?
 Oh where, oh where can he be?
 With his ears cut short and his tail cut long
Oh where, oh where can he be?
 Oh, hello!  Welcome to our re-cap of Hen House Study Week 5.
 Desserts were tiered.  My apron was worn.
 We feasted on Carrie Cornflower's Tamale Pie recipe.  It was a smashing number one hit!
 Then we dove right into Ruth chapter 3.
 Chelsey Daylilly brought her baby.  I could have my eyes closed--my ovaries would still tell me when he arrived.
Hen House Study welcomed first timer, Amanda Buttercup over there in the navy blue top. 
 The best part about these pictures is I handed off the camera to a couple different ladies to click away.  I couldn't wait to see the study through another's eyes.
 Salome Calla Lily nestled in the corner.  
 That's Pam Bellflower visiting us for the first time in the cute kaki trousers.  She's Chelsey's mamma.  
 That's me hanging on Amanda Freesia's every word.  She's always got something good to say.  She makes me think till my brain hurts.  
 More first timers next to Pam: That's Christie with the cute sunglasses on her head (which coincidentally is my favorite way of keeping my hair out of my face) and then to her left is Julie Curly Willow in the white shirt.
We talked.
 Chelsey rocked (her baby).
I made Amanda frequently repeat herself for the group.  She's one of those gals who has amazing insights and says them quietly to herself then I come along and ruin her silence and yell, "Hey!  Amanda has something profound to say!"  I haven't heard from Amanda since.   
 She barely spoke to me at church yesterday. 
 And no Hen House Study would be complete without somebody wearing fabulous shoes.  Once again, my neighbor, Kristen Lily of the Nile, did not disappoint us this week.  It's only her second time with us and I can tell she's completely dependable.
 There's my favorite ladies from UtahStangs club.  I love them.  
We focused on Ruth 3:1-7.  I ate up the gals comments....."We should set our husband's up to succeed."
 "When we read the Word everyday (the bible) it keeps things off ourselves."
 About praising God: "It's what we were made for!"
 I love these gals so much.
Ruth 2:19 says: "And her mother-in-law said to her, 'Where have you gleaned today?  And where did you work?  Blessed be the one who took notice of you."  I got to glean with a dozen lovers of Jesus in Ruth chapter 3.  I'm sure our praise, our muscling through His Word together, rose up as a sweet aroma to God.
 Some drive an hour.  Some drive a few miles.  Some drive around the corner.
 Some car pool.
 I never know who's going to come.  It's the best surprise ever.
 Every woman who walks in the door is God's own uniquely wrapped gift to me. Chelsey is wrapped in pretty pink wrapping paper with a cream satin ribbon.
 Amanda is wrapped in black wrapping paper donned with shiny silver sparkles and a silver bow.
 The mother and daughter-in-law came in a gift inside a gift style present wrapped in red paper.
Amanda on your left came wrapped in an orange paisley gift wrap.  
 There's my Sara.  "Sara, Sara, storms are brewing in your eyes."  She makes me re-live my Starship days.
 The fellowship was sweet.
The food was good.
 The conversations resulted in bonding.
Diet Coke and strawberry lemonade was consumed.
 Friends laughed.
I remembered to wear my bra.
 And my underwear were not inside out.
 I checked.
 If you haven't been to a Hen House Study or it's been a while, come on down!
All you'll get is love.

Next Hen House Study is August 18th.  

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