Friday, April 29, 2011

Hen House News: Ruth Study Launch A Splendid Success

" often would I have gathered they children together, even as a hen gathers 
her chickens under her wings".  Matthew 23:37

Good news from the coop!  Ruth study launch rocked.  Six beautiful women came and read Ruth 1:1-18 with me.  Here are some pics of the scene tonight.  

Let's get this party started!

Down to business

My happy Carrie.  Carrie let's me watch her cook and
follow her around at Wal-Mart.  She led me to a fun magazine/website
for Sur La Table.  I like it.  You'd like it too.  Go forth and buy! 

Pretty Ashley.  Ashley had on a very cool t-shirt with
a Marilyn Monroe print.  I wanted it.  But she's thinner than me
so I thought it best the shirt stay where it can be displayed without
massive distortion.  If I wear it, the print will go from Marilyn Monroe to
Chris Farley.  Just sayin'.

This is Superb Sara.  I love this pic cause it shows a woman
muscling through biblical text; talking about how Naomi and Ruth
bonded together through the same losses.  Good stuff.
Sara's yellow skirt is also good stuff.  

Absolutely amazing.  Amanda came with NOTES people.  I'm talkin'
'bout a prepared daughter of God who even looked up the meaning of the
characters names.  When you do the homework, you'll contribute mightily
to our conversations.  I love Amanda.  She wears green golashes like no one
else could.  NO ONE.

  Exhibit A:  Amanda's green golashes.
She wears them with her skinny jeans tucked inside.  
She walks around looking like an Eddie Bauer Outdoors magazine add.
Only Amanda could get away with that look.

OH THE BEAUTIFUL BIBLES!  Everyones Bibles are unique.  Different
colors, different sizes, and the pens and notebooks and study guides filled
in with notes make me want to sing.  Here I go:  "THE HILLS ARE ALIVE,

Pug hair officially and forever removed from my rug thanks
to my new Kirby vacuum.  God is good.
Next Hen House Study scheduled for May 12th @ 7pm.

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